TIL: Programatically Fetch Python Class/File Dependencies

It’s quite common in the Machine Learning realm to launch jobs remotely, and in serverless you essentially do the same. This small gist enables simple tree-shaking fetching (recursively) only relevant local files for your python Class, or file.

Hampus Londögård


February 27, 2025


It’s simple and requires 0 dependencies outside of the standard library.

This script will recursively traverse the dependencies of a Class or python-script and find all relevant dependencies from your local project.
It’s useful in multiple types of project, such as (remote) Machine Learning training jobs and serverless deployments, where you don’t want to include irrelevant files.

Why I built this

When I was deploying/building a MLFlow Model I found that their infer_code_paths functionality is bugged, as shared in mlflow/issues/14071 and my blog about MLFlow Models, and that I needed something better to really recursively fetch dependencies.

I found that through my nifty little script I could do this better than mlflow themselves. By updating the load_context function we could infer the modules by importing them, assisting mlflow’s infer_code_paths function.

def load_context(self, context):
    # MLFlow bug where parent class is not added to `infer_code_paths`.
    # https://github.com/mlflow/mlflow/issues/14071
    imports = get_dependencies(type(self))
    for module in imports.modules:

This is it for this time,
Hampus Londögård