Data Loading - Comparing Common Tooling

Minibenchmark and Developer Experience (DX) between the choices

Hampus Londögård


December 3, 2024

This blog was supposed to be more in-depth but my enthusiasm was drastically cut and I felt like splitting it up into multiple smaller one, whereas daft one is already uploaded.

I started writing a “recipe-book” for daft where I realized it wasn’t as smoothly integrated as a lot of other tools. I believe that the DataFrame format is both a winning and loosing concept, it’s very helpful but when you need to use two columns the way Ray, HuggingFace Datasets and others map data using dict is a winning concept for both element by element and batch mapping. With a dict way to map DataFrame I think that daft might end up the perfect tool.

For now I believe Daft is better utilized as an ETL framework, but in the near future it might become great for ML too.

Anyhow, today I’ll compare the developer experience and performance of different tools for data loading.

  1. HuggingFace Datasets
  2. Ray Data
  3. Daft
  4. “PyTorch Native” (Dataset & DataLoader)

All of the chosen tools are quite awesome, but HuggingFace and Ray can export to TensorFlow additionally. Although Ray currently cannot handle RaggedTensor which is required for models with variable output - a letdown!

Quick Introduction

Hugging Face Datasets offers easy access to a vast library of datasets, with efficient memory handling through streaming and memory-mapping. Its API simplifies data loading and transformation for direct use with PyTorch and TensorFlow.

Ray Data enables scalable, distributed data processing across multiple nodes, ideal for large datasets. It integrates with Ray’s ML tools for parallel training and distributed transformations. It’s the tool for Large Language Model training, even embraced by OpenAI in their ChatGPT source.

Daft is a high-performance data processing library with lazy evaluation, optimized for structured data formats like Parquet and Arrow. It’s a strong choice for single-node and multi-node data preparation with PyTorch compatibility. It utilizes Ray to achieve multi-node behavior.

PyTorch’s Dataset and DataLoader offer a simple and flexible way to load data with minimal memory overhead, ideal for in-memory and custom datasets. It’s lightweight but lacks distributed and lazy loading features.

Table Summarization
Feature Hugging Face Datasets Ray Data Daft PyTorch Dataset + DataLoader
Parallel Processing + +++ ++ +
Distributed Processing 0 +++ +++ 0
Caching & Memory Mapping +++ + + 0
Lazy Loading +++ ++ +++ +++ (depends)
Simple to Use +++ + ++ +++
Built-in Dataset Access +++ 0 0 +++
Custom Transformations ++ +++ +++ +++
ML Framework Support +++ +++ ++ ++

Mini Benchmark

Tool Num_worker Pin_memory Cache Configuration Time
HF Element None None False .map 6m48s
None None True .with_transform 3m23s
HF Batched None None False .map 7m14s
None None True .map 3m22s
Torch Dataset/Loader None None - Default 3m20s
Daft - - - daft-default 14m55s
- - - daft-native 3m30s
Ray - - - Default 7m41s

Running on full sized images we get a bit more interesting results:

Tool Num_worker Pin_memory Cache Configuration Time
Additional Tests - - - torch 4m19s
- - - hf_with_transf 4m40s
- - - hf_map 8m14s, cached: 7m21s
- - - daft 3m49s

Developer Experience (DX)

def test_elem_by_elem(num_workers: int | None, pin_memory: bool | None, cache: bool):
    if not cache:

    def _preprocess(data: dict):
        imgs = [utils.PREPROCESS_TRANSFORMS(x.convert("RGB")) for x in data["image"]]
        data["image"] = imgs
        return data

    ds = datasets.load_from_disk("./imagenette_full_size")

    def _augment(data: dict):
        tensor = _preprocess(data["image"])
        data["image"] = utils.AUGMENTATIONS(tensor)
        return data

    ds_train = ds["train"].with_transform(_augment)
    ds_valid = ds["validation"].with_transform(_preprocess)

    kwargs = dict(
        num_workers=num_workers or 0,
    dls_train =, **kwargs)
    dls_valid =, **kwargs)
class ImagenetteDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, hf_dataset, preprocess=None, augment=None):
        self.hf_dataset = hf_dataset
        self.preprocess = preprocess
        self.augment = augment

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.hf_dataset)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        data = self.hf_dataset[idx]

        image = data["image"].convert("RGB")

        # Apply preprocessing and augmentation if specified
        if self.preprocess:
            image: torch.Tensor = self.preprocess(image)
        if self.augment:
            image = self.augment(image)

        return {
            "image": image,
            "label": data["label"],
train_dataset = ImagenetteDataset(
    ds["train"], preprocess=utils.PREPROCESS_TRANSFORMS
valid_dataset = ImagenetteDataset(
    ds["validation"], preprocess=utils.PREPROCESS_TRANSFORMS

# Create DataLoader instances
kwargs = dict(
    num_workers=num_workers or 0,
dls_train = DataLoader(train_dataset, shuffle=True, **kwargs)
dls_valid = DataLoader(valid_dataset, **kwargs)
def load_imagenette_datasets_daft(dataset_path="./imagenette_full_size"):
    ds = datasets.load_from_disk(dataset_path)
    extract_img_bytes = daft.col("image").struct.get("bytes").alias("image")
    ds_train = daft.from_arrow(ds["train"].data.table).select(
        "label", extract_img_bytes

    ds_valid = daft.from_arrow(ds["validation"].data.table).select(
        "label", extract_img_bytes

    img_decode_resize = (
        daft.col("image").image.decode(mode="RGB").image.resize(224, 224)

    ds_train = ds_train.with_column("image", img_decode_resize)
    ds_valid = ds_valid.with_column("image", img_decode_resize)

    def to_f32_tensor(ds: daft.DataFrame):
        return ds.with_column(
                lambda x: (x / 255.0).transpose(2, 0, 1),

    ds_train = to_f32_tensor(ds_train)
    ds_valid = to_f32_tensor(ds_valid)

    ds_train = ds_train.to_torch_iter_dataset()
    ds_valid = ds_valid.to_torch_iter_dataset()

    dls_train =, batch_size=32)
    dls_valid =, batch_size=32)
    return dls_train, dls_valid
def load_imagenette_datasets_ray(dataset_path="./imagenette_full_size"):
    # Load the Arrow dataset with Ray
    ds = datasets.load_from_disk(dataset_path)

    def extract_img_to_pil(data):
        image = data["image"]["bytes"]
        data["image"] ="RGB")
        return data

    ds_train =["train"]).map(extract_img_to_pil)
    ds_val =["validation"]).map(extract_img_to_pil)

    preprocess_transforms = transforms.Compose(
    augmentation_transforms = utils.AUGMENTATIONS

    # Apply transformations in Ray
    def preprocess_image(batch):
        batch["image"] = [preprocess_transforms(x) for x in batch["image"]]

        return batch

    def augment_image(elem):
        elem["image"] = augmentation_transforms(elem["image"])

        return batch

    ds_train = ds_train.map_batches(preprocess_image).map(augment_image)

    ds_val = ds_val.map_batches(preprocess_image)

    d_train = ds_train.to_torch(
    d_valid = ds_val.to_torch(label_column="label", batch_size=32, prefetch_batches=5)

    return d_train, d_valid

I think most of the frameworks ends up at a similar place in the experience.

Quick DX Ranking

  1. PyTorch & HuggingFace Datasets
  2. Daft
  3. Ray (albeit I believe it to be the most scalable solution as you can truly tinker in detail)

I enjoyed Daft a lot with its multi-modal syntax, inspired by polars with namespaces (e.g. .image.decode()), which can be phenomenal. Working with DataFrame’s is a cool addition, where you can drop into python simply by using apply.
Working with Daft more and more I noticed that the DataFrame syntax sometimes becomes a big blocker and the simplicity of HF Datasets and Ray using dict’s in .map statements results in easier code and smoother integration with existing libraries.
Additionally HF Datasets / PyTorch DataLoaders feels more pythonic, where the latter is real simple. I can’t put my finger on it but they just seem easier to debug and understand.

It’ll sure be interesting to follow the progress being made, and I’m happy the dust isn’t settled yet!