Seam Carving (Presentation & Workshop)

Seam Carving is the task to remove empty room in a image. Have you ever wished to do ‘Content Aware Scaling’? Learn it now!

Hampus Londögård


May 17, 2021

This is from a presentation I did last week (12th of May 2021). Notebook just under the slides!
Please note that this requires the Kotlin kernel to run as it’s Kotlin and not Python.

%use lib-ext
import boofcv.abst.filter.derivative.ImageGradient_SB
import boofcv.kotlin.*
import boofcv.alg.feature.detect.edge.GGradientToEdgeFeatures
import boofcv.factory.feature.detect.edge.FactoryEdgeDetectors
import boofcv.struct.image.*
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
import java.nio.file.*
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
val sobel: ImageGradient_SB.Sobel<GrayF32, GrayF32> by lazy {

fun BufferedImage.toByteArray(format: String): ByteArray {
            val stream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
            ImageIO.write(this, format, stream)
            return stream.toByteArray()
fun FloatArray.removeIndices(toRemove: Set<Int>): FloatArray {
        val result = FloatArray(size - toRemove.size)
        var targetIndex = 0
        for (sourceIndex in indices) {
            if (sourceIndex !in toRemove) result[targetIndex++] = this[sourceIndex]
        return result
fun ByteArray.removeIndices(toRemove: Set<Int>): ByteArray {
    val result = ByteArray(size - toRemove.size)
    var targetIndex = 0
    for (sourceIndex in indices) {
        if (sourceIndex !in toRemove) result[targetIndex++] = this[sourceIndex]
    return result

Loading an Image with BoofCV

Let’s load our first image using BoofCV. It’s simply done using UtilImageIO.loadImage("path/to/file").
The conversion to show an image in a notebook is a little awkward.

But I talked to Jetbrains through Slack - had a response & patch up within 20 minutes (waiting for the new release right now…) which simplifies this!

val img = UtilImageIO.loadImage("dali.jpg")
Image(img.toByteArray("jpg"), "jpg").withWidth("45%")

Salvador Dali Painting

Sobel Filters

Sobel is a very simple Edge Detector that runs the gradient in two directions

image image (18.S191 MIT Fall 2020 | Grant Sanderson) By applying this filter

val grayImg = img.asGrayF32()
Image(grayImg.asBufferedImage().toByteArray("jpg"), "jpg").withWidth("45%")

S. Dali Painting Gray
val grayDY = GrayF32(1,1)
val grayDX = GrayF32(1,1)
sobel.process(grayImg, grayDX, grayDY)
DISPLAY(Image(grayDY.asBufferedImage().toByteArray("jpg"), "jpg").withWidth(500))
Image(grayDX.asBufferedImage().toByteArray("jpg"), "jpg").withWidth(500)

Edges Up & Down (dY) Edges Left & Right (dX)

Now we need to combine these two into one image, that’s done by taking the intensity, e.g.

\(\sqrt{D_x^2 + D_y^2}\)

Also called l2-norm, euclidean-norm or square-norm.

Where \(D_x\) is the gradient in X direction (applying sobel-filter).

Luckily this exists in BoofCV (and most libraries), in the way of GGradientToEdgeFeatures.intensityE(grayDX, grayDY, intensity)

val intensity = GrayF32(1,1)
GGradientToEdgeFeatures.intensityE(grayDX, grayDY, intensity)
Image(intensity.asBufferedImage().toByteArray("jpg"), "jpg").withWidth("75%")

Painting Edges by Filter

With the edges at hands (white) we can go ahead and try to create a graph of total intensity.
It is this graph we’ll use to traverse later, to find the cheapest path.

So how would we do this?
Trying all paths would prove expensive, but if we traverse the reverse we can speed things up by being clever.

Let’s take a look at how a subimage of the image looks.

  5   9   2   7   6   6   4   4   5   6 
  3   7   4   7   4   3   3   7   3   5 
  9   7   5   6   6   1   5   5   3   6 
 10   6   7   4   4   4   5   4   6   3 
  7   7   6   4   5   2   5   8   5   2 
  4   3   2   2   3   1   3  11   3   1 
  3   1   7   6   3   3   4   9   4   2 
  3   5   4   4   7   7   1   6   6   5 
 10   6   1   4   3   8   4   6   7  10 
  4   7   3   3   4   5   6   7   7  10 

And now we’ll take a look at how this traversal works. These screens are taken from (18.S191 MIT Fall 2020 | Grant Sanderson) which is really good by the way.

image image image image image

val tmp = intensity.clone()
val width = tmp.width
val height = tmp.height

(height - 2 downTo 0).forEach { y ->
    (0 until width).forEach { x -> 
        val range = (max(0, x-1)..min(x+1, width - 1))
        val minimum = range.minOf { x2 -> tmp[x2, y + 1] }
        tmp[x,y] += minimum

val max = ( ?: 0f) / 255f { i, _ ->[i] /= max }
Image(tmp.asBufferedImage().toByteArray("jpg"), "jpg").withWidth("50%")

Edges Delta

Through this image we can find the cheapest path by traversing the darkest path, where white is “expensive”.

This is simply done by taking the cheapest value at each row, forming a line. We’ve precalculated the whole matrix making this a walk in the park.

var previousX = 0 //int[]
val cheapestPath = IntArray(height) { y ->
    val range = when(y) {
        0 -> 0 until width
        else -> (max(previousX - 1, 0)..min(previousX + 1, width - 1))
    previousX = range.minByOrNull { x -> tmp[x,y] } ?: previousX
    previousX + (y * width)
[1022, 2222, 3421, 4621, 5821, 7022, 8223, 9422, 10622, 11821]
val WHITE = 255f
cheapestPath.forEach { i ->[i] = WHITE }
Image(grayImg.asBufferedImage().toByteArray("jpg"), "jpg").withWidth("75%")

The Best Seam to Remove
fun cheapestPath(image: GrayF32): Set<Int> {
        val widthRange = 0 until image.width
        for (y in image.height - 2 downTo 0) {
            for (x in widthRange) {
                val range = when (x) {
                    0 -> 0..1
                    widthRange.last -> x-1..x
                    else -> x-1..x+1
                val cheapestPath = range.minOf { i -> image[i, y + 1] }

                image[x, y] = image[x, y] + cheapestPath

        var previousBest = 0
        return IntArray(image.height) { i ->
            val range =
                if (i == 0) 0 until image.width
                else max(previousBest - 1, 0)..min(previousBest + 1, image.width - 1)
            previousBest = range.minByOrNull { j -> image.get(j, i) } ?: 0

            previousBest + (i * image.width) // Raw Index

fun seamCarve(img: GrayF32): Set<Int> {
        sobel.process(img, grayDX, grayDY)
        GGradientToEdgeFeatures.intensityE(grayDX, grayDY, intensity)
        return cheapestPath(intensity)
val grayImg = img.asGrayF32()
(0..200).forEach { i ->
    val indices = seamCarve(grayImg)
    if (i % 25 == 0) {
        indices.forEach { j ->[j] = WHITE }
        UtilImageIO.saveImage(grayImg.asBufferedImage(), "step_$i.jpg")
    grayImg.apply {
        reshape(width - 1, height)

image image