When to use what - RegExp, String Replace & Character Replace (JVM/Kotlin)

A simple quick comparison on which method to use and in what case when replacing characters or strings in strings.

Hampus Londögård


March 17, 2021

When to use what - RegExp, String Replace & Character Replace

Sometimes it’s hard to know what to use, and why to use it even.


In most, or dare I say all, popular programming languages there exists a multitude of string replacements methods, most common is to have one String-based and one RegExp-based. In some languages such as Java there’s also a special method to replace Characters in a String.


Performance sometimes matter, sometimes it doesn’t. But if it does it’s really good knowing which method to use as the speed-up can be substantial!

The use-case

Replace “a”, “b” & “c” to “d”. It’s simple, but good. As for data I’m using a few of shakespeares works which in total is 4.5 million characters, I’ve also added variants of these as shown in the table.

Type Length (characters) Iterations Average (msg) Normalized to RegExp
RegExp 1k 1 million 0.0049ms 1x
Char 1k 1 million 0.0027ms 0.55x
String 1k 1 million 0.0087ms 1.63x
RegExp 4.5 million 1k 29.67ms 1x
Char 4.5 million 1k 11.84 0.39x
String 4.5 million 1k 57.20 1.92x
RegExp 45 million 10 361.8ms 1x
Char 45 million 10 117.0ms 0.32x
String 45 million 10 588.1ms 1.54x

As shown the Character-based replace is much faster! It’s only getting faster in comparison to the RegExp the bigger the file is.

I think a interesting test would be to do character swaps, using these methods and see if it’s retained.

When to use what?

I’d say that I see a few clear results.

  1. Use Character Based Replace if you only need to replace characters. It’s much faster!
  2. Use String Based Replace if you only swap one string to another (it’s faster than RegExp), doing multiple swaps grows fast in time consumed.
  3. Use RegExp Based Replace if you want to swap multiple strings
  4. Use RegExp Based Replace if you wanna do anything complex really! It’s pretty performant if you remember to compile the pattern :)


Some extra comments that are good to know in cases as these


I’ve said this before but… Please remember to compile your patterns once, and not in each loop. Compiling patterns is incredibly expensive! Running (1..1_000_000).forEach { str.find(regexStr) } is a multitude slower than

// pseudo-code
val regexCompiled = regexStr.toRegex()
(1..1_000_000).forEach { regexCompiled.find(str) }

because in the first example pattern is compiled each time…

Python specific

Note that in Python as an example there exists C-implementations for some methods, it’s very important to actually use these if you care about performance. As an example str.find(keyword) is a multitude slower than keyword in str, because the in keyword is actually a C-implementation when str.find is a python one.

Appendix A. The Code

GitHub gist

import java.io.File
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis

object RegexTester {
    val text = File("/home/londet/git/text-gen-kt/files/shakespeare.txt").readText()
    val textSmall = text.take(1000)
    val textLarge = text.repeat(10)

    val regex = "[abc]".toRegex()
    val charReplace = listOf('a', 'b', 'c')
    val stringReplace = listOf("a", "b", "c")

    fun main(args: Array<String>) {
        println("Warming up JVM by running 10,000 iterations of each replacer on normal size.")
            .forEach { regex.replace(text, "d") }
            .forEach { charReplace.fold(text) { acc, ch -> acc.replace(ch, 'd') } }
            .forEach { stringReplace.fold(text) { acc, ch -> acc.replace(ch, "d") } }
        println("Warmup done!")

        val regexSmall = measureTimeMillis { (1..1_000_000).forEach { regex.replace(textSmall, "d") } } / 1_000_000.0
        val regexNormal = measureTimeMillis { (1..1_000).forEach { regex.replace(text, "d") } } / 1000.0
        val regexLarge = measureTimeMillis { (1..10).forEach { regex.replace(textLarge, "d") } } / 10.0
        // val regexLargeCompile = measureTimeMillis { (1..10).forEach { textLarge.replace("[abc]", "d") } } / 10.0
        println("Regex Small (1000 characters, 1,000,000 avg): $regexSmall")
        println("Regex Normal (4.5 million characters, 1000 avg): $regexNormal")
        println("Regex Large (45 million characters, 10 avg): $regexLarge")

        val charSmall = measureTimeMillis { (1..1_000_000).forEach { charReplace.fold(textSmall) { acc, ch -> acc.replace(ch, 'd') } } } / 1_000_000.0
        val charNormal = measureTimeMillis { (1..1_000).forEach { charReplace.fold(text) { acc, ch -> acc.replace(ch, 'd') } } } / 1000.0
        val charLarge = measureTimeMillis { (1..10).forEach { charReplace.fold(textLarge) { acc, ch -> acc.replace(ch, 'd') } } } / 10.0
        println("CharReplace Small (1000 characters, 1,000,000 avg): $charSmall")
        println("CharReplace Normal (4.5 million characters, 1000 avg): $charNormal")
        println("CharReplace Large (45 million characters, 10 avg): $charLarge")

        val stringSmall = measureTimeMillis { (1..1_000_000).forEach { stringReplace.fold(textSmall) { acc, ch -> acc.replace(ch, "d") } } } / 1_000_000.0
        val stringNormal = measureTimeMillis { (1..1_000).forEach { stringReplace.fold(text) { acc, ch -> acc.replace(ch, "d") } } } / 1000.0
        val stringLarge = measureTimeMillis { (1..10).forEach { stringReplace.fold(textLarge) { acc, ch -> acc.replace(ch, "d") } } } / 10.0
        println("StringReplace Small (1000 characters, 1,000,000 avg): $stringSmall")
        println("StringReplace Normal (4.5 million characters, 1000 avg): $stringNormal")
        println("StringReplace Large (45 million characters, 10 avg): $stringLarge")
        Regex Small (1000 characters, 1,000,00 avg): 0.004949
        Regex Normal (4.5 million characters, 1000 avg): 29.671
        Regex Large (45 million characters, 10 avg): 361.8
        CharReplace Small (1000 characters, 1,000,00 avg): 0.002752
        CharReplace Normal (4.5 million characters, 1000 avg): 11.835
        CharReplace Large (45 million characters, 10 avg): 117.0
        StringReplace Small (1000 characters, 1,000,00 avg): 0.008692
        StringReplace Normal (4.5 million characters, 1000 avg): 57.204
        StringReplace Large (45 million characters, 10 avg): 588.1